Transform Your Money Story

Finding The Spiritual Purpose For Your Money Path


– An 8-week journey to radically change your money story, release the blessings of God in your life, and clarify your purpose & calling 

What you’ll learn and do in this course that will change your life:

  • Find your money stories, blocks, challenges & what’s keeping you from the abundance God has in store for you
  • Know God’s view on money & your financial life and how money business is truly spiritual business
  • How your purpose and calling are tied into your money story and lead into your everyday ministry opportunities + ways to bless people as you go
  • Why it’s time to get serious & face the hidden blocks, embrace truths about your money and spiritual calling, and step up confidently to receive God’s best for you so you can then give out all he has planted in you to bless others
  • Stop self-sabotage, money drains, and hitting the glass income ceiling
  • Know the value of money and the value of what you have to offer that you can’t yet see
  • Make confident life decisions around money and “security” not based on having a man as a plan for your finances, or a job you have just settled for that doesn’t bring you joy or develop your best gifts
  • See what you’ve sacrificed because of money, know your true options, and make wise choices
  • Heal your money wounds and traumas to release financial (& other) miracles in your life
  • Be set free to walk in your fullest life as you make your mess your message, pursue your passions and share your gifts
  • Love being a generous and cheerful giver out of an overflowing heart of gratitude and abundance, as you give to projects and causes that make your heart sing
  • How to access all the riches and resources God has already placed in and around you
  • Why a poverty mentality shrinks your blessings & dries up your bones
  • How to walk confidently in your calling and purpose and enjoy waterfalls of financial appreciation along the way
  • Let’s get this Money Business settled! It’s not “Monkey Business” so let’s stop playing around with it!



8 week Money Transformation course + coaching delivered virtually online

Next Class Starting Soon! Contact us to sign up and give the best gift to yourself and your family!

  • Includes video, audio, downloadable action guides and journal tracking, visuals and tools to support you, recorded sessions with unlimited access, and more…
  • Starts with an initial one-to-one Money Vision Clarity Session to start getting to the bottom of your personal money story and get a glimpse of how your life can change quickly through our time together
  • Continued support through Q & A coaching callsprivate online community, and ongoing email support to max out your results and give you accountability and help as you work through this
  • Option to continue the work in one-on-one sessions as needed after the 8 week transformational training with Transformational Money & Calling Coach Lois Gallo

We guarantee your views on money, abundance, and all the amazing blessings God has in store for you will never be the same once you’ve gone through this interactive and transforming life course!

What To Do While you’re Waiting For the Next Class…

Contact us to get on the waiting list. Then go ahead and tell us to set up a complimentary no-obligation Money Vision Clarity Session for you now. Not only will this session be transformative for you, but you will get clear on the best next steps to move your life forward without waiting any longer!

Go to our contact page to sign up for your session while they are still available and join the group before it fills up!

Click for more information about how coaching works.