Millionaire Journal

Finding The Spiritual Purpose For Your Money Path

Almost every day as I am thinking about my life and mission and passion, many thoughts and insights come to me about the person I am becoming and my journey forward. As these thoughts expand, they seem to always bring to mind the importance of being who I need to be in order to fulfill my mission and calling – to help others step into the more expanded and aligned person they too are meant to be.

I hope this is true for you as well. I’ve found that the more you come to terms with who you are being and who you are meant to be – to “know thyself” as the ancient philosopher Socrates admonished – the more at peace you will be as you shine the light in those dark corners, acknowledge the truth you see, and accept and love yourself just as you are.

That is part of the human experience, realizing we are not perfect and never will be, but the more you are able to uncover and bring light and healing and purpose even to some of the hurt or broken places where you’ve experienced some trauma or accepted untruths about yourself and life – the more empowered you will be to step into the true mission and calling in your life.

free your inner child as you love yourself wealthy and abundant

Your story is your story for a reason. What if it was meant to not only bring healing and freedom to your own soul but to be a beacon of light and a healing path for others as you share your journey along the way?

Articles From My Heart For Your Journey

It is with this premise that I want to share my own writings and insights to myself as I have struggled along the way to finding or building up the courage to say “Yes!” to allowing it to come forth in me.

As I add these journal postings in as raw “heart drops,” I will put the newest links below on this page. If you would like to be notified whenever there is a new post, make sure to opt-in for my newsletter, where I will keep you informed periodically of the latest news, insights, and happenings.

It is my greatest wish to inspire you to step up to Living Your Best Life as your heart and soul are transformed and aligned with your Purpose and Money Path, which are intertwined and interrelated (whether we want to admit it or not!).

Stay Tuned for Greatness to be revealed (yours and mine)!

My Millionaire Journal Entries