Find Your Money & Purpose Path To Change Your Life And Bless Others Too!

Get Your Money Beliefs Aligned With Your Heart & Values For A Congruent Joy-filled Life!


Your story and your life up to now give you huge clues as to your message and the people you were meant to impact. Let’s figure this out and make a difference as you connect with the heart of those you were meant to help.


BEING the Message is even more important than your actual Message… Let’s get your heart enlarged, healed and whole so you can be filled up, strong, bold, and fearless – knowing WHO you are and WHO you are called to LOVE and Serve!


Connect your story & message with your heart and the people you are called to. Step up and out with confidence and a strategic plan. Know where you are going and how to get there quickly, as you step up to more influence, impact and income.

What I Do

I Help Transformational Messengers Find Their Purpose & Money Path and Live Aligned & Congruent With Their Mind, Heart & Life Mission

Getting to a place of True EMOTIONAL FREEDOM will bring WEALTH & ABUNDANCE to every area of your life

Find Your Happy Place with Money as your Friend flaming heart on fire

What I offer

Help and guidance, inspiration and the belief in you to help you get where you want to go and beyond!


The fastest way to get where you want to go and be sure it’s really the best place for you is to work 1 on 1 to hone in on your message, step up as a leader to attract and connect your tribe with the right message, and get paid well for your solutions to their problems. Uncover your best approach and strategies that fit with your preferred  lifestyle, audience and delivery mode.


Masterminds and results-focused group programs can accelerate your progress and open up more possibilities for you. Clear your biggest hurdles and forge ahead with your message and solutions at light speed with the collaboration, problem-solving, and resources of a dynamic group all helping each other move ahead.


If you just need to laser-focus and get the next element of your strategic plan done to put your plans in motion, we have workshops, retreats, and virtual workshops with team support to help you break through barriers to get things moving and done. Then you can quickly ramp up and accelerate rapidly to the next level.


As you  progress to higher levels of visibility, we can help you focus in on the best ways to reach your audience. Having a bestselling book, a highly-rated podcast, influencers and partners in your court along with automated systems for scaling up are some of the ways we can help you rise higher. Also important is strengthening your Inner Game around higher visibility and leadership, with confidence, competence and deservability of your success and higher positioning.

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Client Testimonials

COMING SOON!  Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say: 

Do you sometimes have the feeling that you’re running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts have the same feel to them.

Eleanor Fant

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Do you sometimes have the feeling that you’re running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts have the same feel to them.

Brandon Guidelines

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Do you sometimes have the feeling that you’re running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts have the same feel to them.

Sue Shei

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Ready To Get Started? Let’s Work Together To Jumpstart Your Success!